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Santa and his elves embark on a yuletide journey to Geese Islands. They introduce a new tool, ChatNPT, which efficiently handles various tasks. However, uncertainty arises about ChatNPT's motivations—whether it is a force for good or bad. It turns out that ChatNPT, while a sophisticated tool, is neither inherently good nor bad; it simply follows its training. The story suggests a cautionary note about the potential impact of advanced AI tools. Despite encountering challenges, the tale ends with a recognition that they will need ChatNPT again when Santa returns to snow-covered terrain.

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale,

A tale of a yuletide trip

That started from a tropic port,

Aboard this tiny ship

Santa and his helpful elves

To Geese Islands did go

Continuing their merry work

O'er sand instead of snow

New this year: a shiny tool

The elves logged in with glee

What makes short work of many tasks?

It's ChatNPT. It's ChatNPT

From images to APIs

This AI made elves glad

But motivations were unknown

So was it good or bad?

Could it be that NPT

Was not from off-the-shelf?

Though we'll forgive and trust again

We'd found a naughty elf

This fancy AI tool of ours

With all our work remained

Not good or bad, our online friend

Just did as it was trained

Surely someone's taint must be

Upon our AI crutch

Yes indeed, this bold new world

Bore Jack Frost's icy touch

Though all's returned to steady state

There's one thing that we know

We'll all be needed once again

When Santa's back on snow